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How to join

Event-administrator ID

3) Event-administrator ID: University (event administrator)
Event-administrator ID is issued when user is accepted by Med-hok.

Authorized actions

Action Browse Edit Create Delete
Same as Institution-user ID
My event information including program, mailing List, how to connect Yes Yes No No
Connected site’s member information Yes No No No

Application form

Please complete the form and send to med-hok officer. We will send the ID and password by email to the administrator of your institution.
If the user already has an ID, this authorization will be added to the ID.
In the case of a new institution, Med-hok will select the institution ID.

Institution-user ID application form
Dear Med-hok officer :

dd month yyyy
Application: New registration・Edit・Delete (Select one)

1) Institution-user ID: (if you already have an ID)
2) Event name: (if an event has been created)
2) Institution name: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
3) Affiliation: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
4) Name: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
5) Job title: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
6) Address: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
7) Telephone: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)
8) Email: (if you don’t have an Institution-user ID)